Every Monday at 8PM EST Dr Victory goes live of FB, IG, Youtube and Twitter
and answers your fertility questions LIVE.

No Consultations, No Booking, No Fees, just help.

Life is complicated and we want to make getting pregnant less stressfull.
This show is for every #IVFwarrior, #IUIwarrior, Endo, and PCOS patient out there.

So Dr Victory decided to dispell all the myths, and get all the facts.

  • Do pineapples help?
  • What about COQ10?
  • What about having sex after implemnation?
  • How to make my eggs stronger?
  • How to make more Eggs?

We talk about it all, in depth, in detail live every week.
Join us this week. We hope to see you soon.

Is Lupron Really Detrimental for IVF? Debunking Myths

Discover the truth about Lupron and its impact on IVF success. Learn why the Cochrane database proves it's not helpful and can even decrease live birth rates. Don't risk your ...chances - find out the facts. #IVFMyths #LupronDebunked #IVFSuccess #CochraneDatabase #FertilityTreatment #LiveBirthRates #IVFMythBusters #ReproductiveHealth #IVFJourney #InfertilityAwareness[+] Show More