BMI and Infertility

Body weight has a significant impact on patients’ ability to conceive, IVF success, pregnancy risks, delivery risks and the health of child. The greater a person’s BMI, the greater the risks. Your best chance to have a healthy child without complications, is to ensure your body weight is within recommended guidelines first.


An in-depth look at Endometriosis. From diagnosing to treatment options. We discuss in detail how fertility can be affected and what are the different treatment options available for Endometriosis including Natural Pathetic and other options. If you have questions please post them below and we will do our best to answer them.

Weekly Live YouTube Show

#FertilityFactorFiction – Video Library of Fertility Fact or FIctions. There are many rumours surrounding fertility and what treatments work and don’t work. Dr VIctory weekly goes into these topics and take your questions live on Facebook , Instagram, Youtube and Twitter.

Ovulation Induction Instructions:

Letrozole is an oral fertility medication. It can be used to induce ovulation in women who don’t ovulate, or to produce multiple eggs in women who already ovulate on their own. It is an alternative medication for those who have experienced significant side effects with clomiphene citrate (hot flashes, mood swings, thinning of the endometrium). It is currently the first-line agent for women with PCOS. In a head-to-head comparison Letrozole led to a 27.5% live birth rate with six months of use compared to 19.1% with clomid for the same period of use.


Menopur Injection Instructions

Gonal-F How to Apply and Use

Cetrotide How To Apply

How To Inject Pregnyl® (hCG)

Ovidrel and Trigger Shots