We know this process can be incredibly stressful. We are strongly committed to making it as comfortable and supportive a process as we can. That’s why we invest all our time into making sure you understand your results and what they mean.
Unlike so many others, we recognize that infertility represents a loss of control for many individuals and couples alike. “Why can’t we get pregnant on our own?”, “Why isn’t my body working?”, “Why do we need help, when so many of our friends are getting pregnant without any effort?.” All these questions are common and carry a huge burden of stress, and in many instances even guilt. We’re here to make sure you know this isn’t your fault, and we can help with your stress. Accordingly, we try our best to provide you with a range of options in almost every instance. We will never tell you what to do. We provide you with choices and the information and knowledge to make an informed choice. We’re returning the control to you.
For those experiencing difficulty with the process, or the news they receive, we have an unprecedented level of support with onsite psychological counselling and services from physicians, naturopaths, and a highly regarded regular support group.